Media, please contact PR Specialist Michael David Bushman at for more information.
Extend Klickitat River Fishery
The Fish & Wildlife Committee hereby extends the Klickitat River Fishery through June 26, 2021 on the regular weekly schedule of Noon Wednesdays to 6pm Saturdays. See regs attached.
Open Icicle River Fishery
The Fish and Wildlife Committee hereby authorizes weekly openings on the Icicle River from Noon Thursday to 6 pm Saturdays effective May 20, 2021. Full regs are attached
Open Wind River
Spring chinook returns to the Carson National Fish Hatchery have been good and broodstock collection is nearly complete. Therefore, the FIsh & Wildlife Committee hereby authorizes weekly openings on the Wind River from Noon Mondays to 6pm Sat
Hood River Bridge Replacement Survey
During the Spring Fisher's Meeting there was a presentation about the White Salmon/ Hood River Brodge replacement project. They are requesting insight from tribal fishers who frequently use the bridge. The following link takes you to the survey
Close 2021 Winter Gillnet Season
The sturgeon harvest guidelines have been met in the Bonneville, The Dalles, and The John Day Pools. Therefore, the Fish & Wildlife Committee hereby closes the Winter Gillnet Season in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River for 2021. The Platfo
Spring Fishers Meeting March 25, 2021
The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a fishers meeting for Thursday March 25, 2021 from 10am to 4pm via Zoom call. The attached memo details the agenda and how to access the zoom meeting.
Gillnet Site Registration during the Pandemic
Until Pandemic restrictions are lifted Gillnet Site Registration requests will need to be handled remotely through phone, email, or internet call. Staff apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates your patience and understanding. Please see
2021 Platform Hook & Line Subsistence Regulations
The 2021 Platform Hook and Line Regulations for the Columbia River and tributary seasons are contained in the attached resolution.
Open Winter Gillnet Fishery in Bonneville Pool
The Fish & Wildlife Committee approves the commercial winter gillnet fishery for the Bonneville Pool opening 6am Monday March 01 through 6pm Friday March 5, 2021.
See full regulations attached.
Reopen JD Pool
The Fish & Wildlife Committee Reopens the winter gillnet fishery in the John Day Pool from 6am Wednesday Feb 24 to 6pm Friday February 26, 2021. See full regulations attached
Open Winter Gillnet Season 2021
The Fish & Wildlife Committee approves the commercial Winter Gillnet fishery for Zone 6 of the Columbia River according to the regulations attached.The fishery or specific pools, may be closed by emergency regulation is the sturgeon catch guid
2021 Smelt permits
The smelt return to the Cowlitz River is expected to be moderate and similar to last year. Therefore, the Fish & Wildlife Committee hereby authorize Smelt fishing in the Cowlitz River through March 2021 according to the regulations on the att
2021 Winter Fishers Meeting
The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a fisheries meeting for Friday January 22, 2021 from 10am to 4pm via Zoom Call.
Please see the attached announcement and agenda for full meeting details.
2021 Sturgeon Setline Fishery
The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize a tribal commercial setline fishery in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 7am January 1 to noon January 31, 2021. Please see regulations attached.
Open Fall Coho Fishery on the Icicle River
Good numbers of coho are returning to the Icicle River surplus above the needs of production exists; therefore The Fish & Wildlife Committee hereby authorize weekly openings on the Icicle River from 6am Tuesdays - 6pm Saturdays effective Septe
Additional Fall commercial gillnet fishing time
The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize additional commercial fall gillnet opening in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday Sept 28 to 6pm Thursday October 1, 2020. Downloadable regs attached.
Expand Weekly Fishing periods on the Klickitat River
The Fish & Wildlife Committee expands the Klickitat River fishery to 6am Mondays - 6pm Saturdays effective Monday Sept 21,2020. Downloadable regs attached.
Additional Fall commercial gillnet fishing time
The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize additional fall gillnet fishing from 6am Monday Sept 21 to 6 pm Friday Sept 25, 2020. Downloadable regs attached.
Additional Fall commercial gillnet fishing time
The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize additional gillnet opening in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday Sep 14 - 6pm Friday Sep 18, 2020. Downloadable regs attached.
Additional Fall commercial gillnet fishing time
The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize additional gillnet opening in Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6am Monday Sept 7 to 6pm Friday Sept 11,2020. See regs attached