Media, please contact PR Specialist Michael David Bushman at for more information.
Official Yakama Fall Season Regulations
Modifications to the Winter Gillnet Season
The Winter Gillnet Fishery in Bonneville Pool has been extended and will close 6pm on Saturday March 15, 2014. The Dalles Pool fishery will reopen one day earlier Wednesday March 12, 2014 and will close 6pm Saturday March 22, 2014.
March Fisher's Meeting
The Fish and Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a fisher's meeting for Monday, March 24, 2014 from 10am - 4 pm at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles, OR.
See attached memo for full agenda details.
Winter Gillnet Season Reg Modifications
2014 Winter Gillnet Season
Authorize Smelt Fishing By Permit for 2014
Smelt returns to the Columbia Basin have been very low for the past several years; however an improved Smelt return is expected in the Cowlitz River in 2014.
Fisher's Meeting January 27, 2014
The Fish & Wildlife Committee directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a Fisher's Meeting for 10 am to 4 pm Monday January 27, 2014 at Legends Casino in Toppenish, WA. Lunch will be provided. See attached memo for the full agenda.
Sturgeon Setline Fishery
The tribal sturgeon setline fishery normally begins January 1st of each year. At the present time harvestable numbers of sturgeon are available in Zone 6 of the Columbia River. The setline catch is projected to be fewer than 200 fish.
Commercial Fishery on the Klickitat River
Close the platform/h&l fishery
Select Yakama Nation Tributary fisheries open for commercial sale
The Fish and WildlifelLawand Order Committee authorize fish caught with subsistence gears in the Wind and Klickitat Rivers and Drano Lake to be allowed for commercial sales from 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Until Furthex- Notice.
Close 2013 Spring Zone 6 Hook and Line Fishery
The Platform/H&L Fishery in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River at 11:59 p.m. Saturday May 18,2013. This closure will remain in effect through 6:00 a.m.
Yakama Nation closes fishery below Bonneville Dam.
To prioritize fish for ceremonial needs and to reduce risks of exceeding catch guiedelines, the FWLO closes hook and line fishing in the area below Bonneville Dam at 6 PM on Saturday, April 27, 2013.
YN First 2013 Drano Lake Cancelled
YN Regulations to Open Spring below Bonneville Dam
Columbia River Zone 6 Tributary Fisheries
Attached is the 2013 Yakama nation Tributary Fisheries regulations package.