Last modified: Fri, 05/06/2016
Lead project:
Last modified: Thu, 08/29/2013
Lead project:
Last modified: Wed, 08/28/2013
Lead project:
Last modified: Wed, 03/06/2013
Effectiveness Monitoring at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales to Quantify Biotic and Abiotic Responses to Stream Enhancement
2012 Design Considerations for In-stream Wood and Boater Safety (Conley)
Effectiveness Monitoring at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales to Quantify Biotic and Abiotic Responses to Stream Enhancement
2011 Rapid Aquatic Habitat Assessment Protocol (RAHAP) (Poster; Lindley)
2011 Restoring Klickitat River Floodplain Connectivity - Technical Considerations and Challenges (Conley)
2011 In-stream wood: Thoughts from a recreational rafter and restoration practitioner (Conley)
2011 Restoring Klickitat River Floodplain Connectivity - Technical Considerations and Challenges (Conley)
2011 Boater Safety and In-Stream Wood: Perspectives From a Recreational Rafter and Restoration Practitioner (Conley)
2011 Habitat Enhancement Effectiveness Monitoring Klickitat River Subbasin (Poster; Lindley)
2011 The Snyder Creek / Klickitat Mill Fish Passage Project (Conley)
2010 Reversing Channel Incision in Tepee Creek: Lessons Learned and Implications for Future Work (Conley)
2009 The Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (Conley)
2009 Turning Cobble into Functioning Floodplain along the Lower Klickitat River (Conley)
2009 Reversing Channel Incision and Enhancing Steelhead Habitat in Tepee Creek (Conley)
2008 An Overview of the Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project (Conley)
2008 Why Wood is Good (or not as bad as you thought) (Conley)