Harvest Updates

Yakama Nation Harvest Management

Under the Treaty of 1855, the Yakama Nation reserved the right to fish, hunt and gather and other rights at all usual and accustomed places. This includes the preservation of fish habitat at all usual and accustomed fishing places. 

The Yakama Nation manages fisheries resources to ensure continued access by Yakama members to fulfill their ceremonial, subsistence and commercial needs.  This treaty reserved right includes the right to have fish present to harvest, at all usual and accustomed places.

Harvest News

The Fish & Wildlife Committee authorize a commercial gillnet fishery in all of Zone 6 of the Columbia River from 6 am May 25 to 6pm May 27, 2016.  There will be no mesh restriction and all rivermouth and dam sanctuaries are still in effect....

The Fish and Wildlife Committee authorized fish caught with subsistence gears in Zone 6
and in selected YN tributary fisheries to be allowed for commercial sale from
Spring chinook run counts over Bonneville Dam have been lower than expected and
it is too early to update the runsize.  To prioritize fish for ceremonial needs and to reduce 
The Yakama Nation Fish & Wildlife Committee open the bank Hook and Line fishery
below Bonneville Dam from  April 21, 2016 - April 30, 2016; 5 am - 10pm,
Spring Chinook returns in 2016 are expected to be good; providing for fishing opportunities.
Regulations for proposed Columbia River and tributary seasons are contained in the attached
Catch rates continue to be lower than expected in The Dalles and John Day Pools which 
allows for more fishing time.  Therefore the Fish and Wildlife Committee hereby extends

Catch rates in The Dalles and John Day Pools has been lower than expected,

which allows for more fishing time.  The Fish & Wildlife Committee hereby extends the

The Fish & Wildlife committee has directed Fisheries Staff to schedule a Fisher's Meeting
for January 25, 2016 from 10 am to 1 pm at the Eagle Selatsee Auditorium, YN Agency Headquarters.

The setline fishery in The Dalles Pool will reopen from 6am November 16 and close 6pm November 25, 2015.

Bonneville Pool will reopen from 6am November 27 and close 6pm December 31, 2015.  

 Klickitat River coho returns have been far less than expected which has caused concern

for reaching broodstock goals.

YN staff has begun collecting broodstock at the Lyle Falls trap in anticipation of a shortfall